Essential Oils are my friend!
In the past several years you may have heard all the hype about the benefits of essential oils. The benefits range from skin care to claims of weight-loss but did you know that there are also benefits for MS patients? First let me say that we are not doctors or medical professionals, but are instead sharing about our personal experience with essential oils.
I will never forget our first experience with oils. It was during the Christmas season and Miguel started to feel sick as if he was going to get a cold. His body shut completely down and he became immobile and had a fever. My friend has been studying and using essential oils and told me that she was coming over with for him to try. It was a veggie capsule with a combination of Lemon, Oregano, On Guard (DoTerra blend), Frankincense and Melaleuca. He took it two times and his symptoms were completely gone, in less than 24 hours!
This peaked my interest and I had to learn more about the benefits of essential oils and how this may help Miguel with his MS.
As we all know, there is no cure to MS but there are things that we can do to make symptoms more tolerable and make the person feel better. We have found this to be the case with essential oils in how it helps Miguel with a variety of symptoms. For example, we found an MS recipe that helps Miguel every day as he applies his roll-on early each morning. The recipe consists of the following oils: Helichrysum, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Basil and Peppermint—each oil has its own benefits. I am not sure who made up this blend but we found it looking for the best oils for MS.
He also enjoys diffusing oils in his office. He particularly likes Citrus Blend, Bergomont and Wild Orange. These are all mood “lifters”. We as a family also use essentials oils such as: Lavender to soothe skin problems or Peppermint for headaches, etc.
As you can imagine, there are many brands of essential oils in the market but we only trust DoTerra oil for Miguel as these are clearly marked which are safe for consumption and other methods. I have included a link in the resources section where you can learn more about these oils.
I also want to let you know that as care-givers Lavender provides a nice relaxing feeling at the end of the day. I diffuse Spearmint, Lavender and Lime in our bedroom for a soothing end to any hectic day. During my workday I like to diffuse Rosemary and Lemon for mental clarity and focus—there are lots of recipes you can find on the internet however, please be careful where you purchase your oils—make sure it’s from a trusted source.
Until next time!
In sickness and in health,